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Different Style Male Anime & Manga Eyes Drawing Guide

This is guide and a reference for drawing different styles of male anime and manga eyes. It provides several examples as well as tips for drawing them.

Anime male eyes style reference
Anime male eyes drawn in different styles

Male anime eyes are often narrower than their female counterpart and are drawn with fewer to no eyelashes.

Please note that this guide focuses more on showing actual examples of various male anime eyes. For a step by step tutorial on drawing male anime eyes you can see:

How to Draw Male Anime & Manga Eyes

Common Styles of Male Anime Eyes

Common style male anime eyes
Regular style male anime eyes examples

These types of eyes are usually drawn for younger male anime characters and are fairly big and wide. These commonly consist of the eyelids/eyelashes, the iris, pupil, reflections and the top shaded/dark eyelash reflection area.

Serious Styles of Male Anime Eyes

Serious style male anime eyes
Serious style male anime eyes examples

These types of eyes are usually much narrower (vertically) and are often used for older male characters. They also tend to have much smaller and rounder iris areas closer in proportion to real eyes.

These types of eyes generally tend to be draw with all of the details described in the previous example.

Simplified Styles of Male Anime Eyes

Simple style male anime eyes
Simplified style male anime eyes examples

Some styles of anime eyes tend to be simplified where some of the more common parts of the eyes such as the pupils or shadows are not draw or barely hinted at.

Very Simplified Styles of Male Anime Eyes

Simplistic style male anime eyes
Very simplified style male anime eyes examples

Very simplified anime eyes can be drawn with even less detail then the previous examples. These types of eyes can be seen on characters from old or very stylized anime and manga.


This tutorial provides a few example of the different styles of anime eyes but you can also mix and match different styles for yourself if there is a certain look you would like to have for your drawings.

One style of eyes that was not included in this tutorial are “chibi” eyes. As those are basically drawn the same for male and female characters they are already covered in:

How to Draw Different Types of Anime and Manga Eyes

For even more examples of anime eyes see:

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